Fueling the Future: Biomass District Heating in Canada

Fueling the Future: Biomass District Heating in Canada

District heating (DH) systems have been long-established in Canada, particularly in large urban settings and on university and college campuses. These systems efficiently heat multiple buildings by utilizing centralized heat generation and distribution networks. In recent years, biomass has emerged as a prominent fuel source for DH systems, offering a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional fossil fuels, especially in smaller, more localized applications.

One of the pioneering biomass-fueled DH systems in Canada is the District Energy system in Charlottetown, owned by Enwave, which has been operational for over three decades. This system serves 145 customers and is fueled by 26,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste and 36,000 tonnes of repurposed biomass annually. It has achieved a remarkable 90% reduction in municipal landfilling volume and has displaced 6.5 million gallons of fuel oil, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, for every dollar spent on biomass fuels, 70 cents circulate within the local economy, demonstrating the economic benefits of biomass district heating. Continue Reading HERE

Prefabricated Biomass Boiler plant in Yellowknife NWT
J&R Mechanical Pre-fabricated Biomass Heating Plant

For more information about the Fink Machine District Heating System check out this link